Repeat Prescription Requests over the Phone

We are keen to focus our resources into the areas that add most value to our patients and support patient […]

Your Voice Matters

Successful Integrated Neighbourhood Working happens when local organisations work together with local communities to find sustainable ways to improve the health and wellbeing of local people. You are the most important part of this, we want to listen and understand what really matters to you.

BHG PPG Newsletter January 2024

Wishing all patients and staff of the Belvoir Health Group a happy and healthy New Year.

Open letter to Patients

As we move through another winter, we are all working hard here at Belvoir Health Group.

Dry January

Dry January supports people across the country to change their relationship with alcohol through stopping drinking for one month using Alcohol Change […]

Carers Rights Day – Your Rights: Today, Tomorrow and in the Future

Carers Rights Day 2023 will be on 23 November 2023. The theme this year is ‘Your Rights: Today, Tomorrow and […]

Treat Yourself Better

World Antimicrobial resistance awareness week runs from 18-24 November 2023 to improve the awareness of antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrobials, including antibiotics, are medicines used to […]

Find your little big thing’ for World Mental Health Day 2023

Every Mind Matters is launching a campaign to encourage people to ‘find your little big thing’ to highlight that ‘doing the […]

Changes to prescribing of bath and shower preparations

Information about changes to medicines or treatments on the NHS: Changes to prescribing of bath and shower preparations The NHS […]

Prescription Prepayment Certificate

The Prescription Prepayment Certificate and the low-income scheme to help patients save money on their prescriptions. The campaign particularly targets people with […]